March 8, 2014

Web of the Week

Anyone else love lounging around on weekends reading, watching tv or browsing the internet? Since Ming, Courtney and I constantly send funny or interesting links back and forth to each other (seriously, our email threads have gotten out of control), I thought I'd share some of the ones I liked from this past week.

What I do after a rough day. Or an easy day. Pretty much what I do all the time.

World's youngest billionaires:

Now that I feel unaccomplished, what I want to do:

Kids who are better dressed than me:

{More photos found here:}

For some strange reason, I had the phrase "ever thine, ever mine" stuck in my head these past few weeks. I had no idea where I heard/read it or where it's from so last night, I decided to look it up. Turns out there's a pretty interesting story to them.

When Beethoven passed away in 1827, 3 love letters were found among his possessions. No one knew who they were addressed to. Maynard Solomon, a musicologist who studied Beethoven and Mozart, suggested that they were written for Antonie Brentano. She was married to a Frankfurt merchant named Franz Brentano however the marriage was reportedly an unhappy one. She went to Vienna to take care of her sick father and in May 1810, her sister introduced her to Beethoven. She stayed in Vienna until 1812 and it was believed that she was ill most of the time and Beethoven would play for her during her illnesses. She left Vienna in 1812 and her and Beethoven never crossed paths again. {Source:}

I thought that was such a sweet yet sad story. The link above has a reprint of the three letters found among Beethoven's possessions and the actual line reads "ever thine, ever mine, ever ours". I love the sentiment and story behind the quote and it's definitely one of my favorites now.

And finally, who doesn't love puppies?
Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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